Why am I writing

For the American medical students the path is already paved and hundreds have already taken it before, but when it comes from international students the path is not as clear as they'd want it to be. If you are an IMG you'd totally understand what I'm saying. We try to get and absorb information where we can find it, there is no mentors or career advisors at out campuses to guide us through this long and bumpy ride.


  1. There's one thing I never understood, how are US seniors are able to absorb all this in just 6 weeks of preparation and yet they manage to achieve very high scores? Also most of them depend on mostly First Aid and maybe an outsource for pathology?!

  2. 6 weeks of dedicated prep but the prep start 2 years earlier, the school curriculum is customized for maximal performance on the exam. Sessions and tutoring for the exam strategy. The boards are in their minds since day one.
    So, comparing an IMG studying for with school or work and an AMG living and breathing their prep for 2 years is not really fair.
    Also remember, it's not true that AMG end up scoring better. Alexanderia and Ain Shams universities mean step 1 score is in the 240s and 230s respectively while the National average in the states is 227. So, what ever the circumstances surrounding the lifestyle of students, IMGs are motivated to really study and score better cause literally their lifes depend on it.

  3. well , i got information from my friend studying medicine over there , he told only score does not matter , we also need to do some rotation and observership over there for residency match program and for getting creamy branch you should be highly intellectual and good scorer or you may be end up with branch like family medicine , and this is the best way to getting synchronize with each other

  4. Well thank you Rahul for your comment, of course scores are not everything.
    But scores are definitely the major determinant that can get you a residency interview.
    What Dr. Fisher said, as a program director, they look into scores, USCE, research and visa status.
    But without a good score your chances are next to zero.
