Do you need an eye opener in the morning?!

If we used the same screening question we use for alcoholics to screen med students, we will get a predicted answer. We are addicted to caffeine. But how much do we depend on it is the more important question.
"Caffeinism", I could have used methyl xanthinism but found my newly fabricated term really weird, could be really hard to defeat. How can we stop the fuel that keeps us awake night after night studying to know as much as we can.Tremors and nervousness, well that's a price most medical students are willing to pay to get beyond 2 standard deviations or even above the mean for many as the competition is fierce. But once you start getting liters of that black elixir bumped up your body per day, you get alarmed. I need to stop it now. I want to live past my fifties and that life style really isn't helping much. So today, April the forth, I took the decision to end that insane escalation in my daily doses of caffeine and stop it all together, that's really hopeful, or to be realistic only use it in times of need.
Caffeine withdrawal from my system should take 4 to 7 days, and my next exam is on 12th of April so I can totally do it.
To be honest, I'll try to do some exercise during breaks instead of making a cup of coffee. If that didn't work out and help me stay awake to study during our glorious all nighters, I'd totally abuse caffeine again. My step 1 exam is in less than 200 days, a horrifying realization, and if losing coffee would even remotely harm my performance I'd totally go back to it and rethink about decreasing my dose after the marathon of step 1. so how many cups of coffee do you drink a day ?

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